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Use washable markers to make your own watercolor paint with our printable quotes to create beautiful watercolor word art.
I’ve always loved those watercolor word art canvases, the type where you see watercolor brush strokes over inspiring, uplifting words. Inspired by our Rainbow Quotes Art done with squeegee painting, we took the same inspiration quotes and created this beautiful watercolor word art. This art technique for creating beautiful watercolor brush art is so easy and we have a few tips to get the most vibrant colors come through!
Coloring is a fun and therapeutic activity my kids and I enjoy that can really put our minds at ease after a long day. It’s also a great calming activity if you struggle with anxiety. However, you don’t just have to stick with plain old markers or colored pencils. Or be stuck not painting without watercolors. Did you know you could turn washable markers into watercolor paints?! This hack is super unique in the sense that it’s like coloring and painting at the same time!
If you have plain old washable markers like Crayola (which I bet you do if you have little kids at home) you’re all set to try this nifty hack. However, we took it a step further to create even more vibrant watercolor art. Read more below to see what markers we thought worked even better to create the most colorful watercolor art.
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How do you make watercolor word art?
You’ll need washable markers, a zipper bag, our printable word art and water – that’s it! First, color in a row of bands in rainbow order on the zipper bag. Paint water over the marker bands. Then simply place your paper over the watercolors and slowly lift to reveal the watercolor painting!
What markers are best for creating watercolor paint?
As we mentioned above you can use washable markers like Crayola. But we found using water-based paint markers provided even MORE vibrancy! The key thing to keep in mind is that the marker HAS to be washable or water-based for this art hack. We used Arteza brand paint markers but you can use any as long as they are water-based.
Another reason we like using paint markers instead of plain washable markers is because they “color” better on plastic zipper bags. Washable markers tend to glide straight off and you have to add a lot of pressure to keep the marker colors on the slippery plastic. Paint markers colored brilliantly on the plastic and actually stayed without slipping off! This made it easier to “paint water” over to turn into watercolor paint.
Get the printable word art
Some things I love about this watercolor hack:
It’s simple – It’s just markers and our printable word art and you’ve got yourself a beautiful inspirational quote art.
It’s inexpensive – You probably already have the markers at home but if not even Target or Walmart sell paint markers. Our printable art allows you to print as many as you’d like!
It’s creative – Who would’ve thought that you could use washable markers and turn them into watercolors? There are endless variations! You can use any lined art drawing and create a wash of beautiful watercolors over them.
Easy handmade gift – Kids can easily make lots of beautiful paintings to frame, hang up or gift loved ones!
Get the printable word art
Watercolor Word Art – Materials
- washable paint markers
- zipper bag
- water
- paint brush
- printable quotes
Get the printable word art
How to Create Easy Watercolor Word Art

- washable paint markers
- zipper bag
- water
- paint brush
- printable quotes
1.Print out the quotes on 8.5" x 11" paper. We recommend cardstock paper so the paint can absorb well.
2.Place a zipper bag over the quote so you can see where the colors should go.
3.Color in bands in rainbow order on TOP of the zipper bag with your markers.
4.Use your paint brush to brush over the bands to create a watercolors effect.
5.Remove the paper from under the zipper bag and flip over the colored bands. Press down and slowly lift to reveal your watercolor word art!
You can continue to color in the bands you created on the zipper bag and reuse the same
bag for more watercolor word art.
Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.