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Valentine Applesauce Favors – Printable Labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

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DIY Healthy Valentine’s Day Favor for Kids: “You’re Awesome Sauce!”

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’re looking for a creative, fun, and healthy alternative to candy for your child’s classroom Valentine favors, we’ve got you covered!

Our printable “You’re Awesome Sauce” label is the perfect way to spread love and health. All it takes is a fruit squeezer pouch and this adorable label, printed on sticker paper. 

Scroll down below to get the printable!

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Why Choose a Healthy Valentine Favor?

Kids love getting goodies on Valentine’s Day, but it doesn’t always have to be about sugary treats. These fruit squeezer pouches, paired with our fun and colorful label, are a hit with kids and parents alike. They’re nutrition, perfect for on-the-go snacking, and great for classrooms with candy or nut restrictions. 

Plus if you love the look of handmade and want to get your kids involved this is a low prep idea that kids can help make! All it takes is some printing and cutting!

Valentine Applesauce Favors – Materials:

  1. Fruit squeezer pouches (GoGo SqueeZ or similar) 
  2. Our apple printable labels (* this one is on my Etsy and helps support this free site. Thank you for your support ❤️)
  3. Sticker paper (make sure you get them per your printer – inkjet or laser)
  4. Scissors 

The labels are 2.75″ in diameter. 

Get the printable labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

How to make applesauce Valentine Favors

  1. Download and Print the labels. 
    Print it out on sticker paper for an easy peel-and-stick option. If you don’t have sticker paper you can print on copy paper and use double-stick tape. 
  2. Cut the Labels
    Use scissors to cut the labels. They are approximately 2.75 inches wide. 
  3. Attach the Labels to the Pouches
    Peel off the backing of each label and stick it to the front of a fruit pouch. 
  4. Repeat 
    Depending on the size of your child’s class, make as many as needed. 

Get the printable labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Valentine Applesauce Favors - Printable Labels

Why Kids Will Love This Healthy Valentine 

The playful design and friendly message, “Friend, You are Awesome Sauce,” brings a smile on Valentine’s Day.

The applesauce pouch itself is a tasty and healthy treat! Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Get the printable labels


Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.