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Viral Teacher Hack to Keep Markers In a Set

Are you tired of losing markers, not knowing where the cap is, or not having a complete set? If you’re a teacher or a mom, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Somehow, those dreaded markers always get lost, and then you have to buy a whole new set just to replace the missing ones! Well, I have found a solution for you. I found this viral marker set hack on Facebook from Goodbye Home Ec Hello FCS and I knew I had to share it with you!

How to Keep Markers in a Set

The post shows a picture of hundreds of markers duct taped at the tip, and organized by set. Each set of markers is labeled Set 1, Set, 2, Set 3, etc. This way, you can pull out the marker without losing the cap, and then put it back in its original place! No more losing markers! The whole point of this hack is to not have to take up space with boxes filled with markers that are eventually going to go missing. The author of the post, Jeanne Torres, states that people were mostly sharing this hack to use for elementary school children. However, she actually teaches high school kids, and it still works wonders! You probably wouldn’t think that high school kids have a problem losing markers, but they are almost as bad as the youngsters, according to Jeanne. She said she loved this hack because her students wouldn’t have to ask other groups for markers, and the markers would stay more organized than in a box! She also said that she tried this hack with her five-year-old daughter, and it worked really well. The only problem was the markers were hard to put back into the cap for a five-year-old, but she eventually made it work!


How and when did this marker set hack go viral?

The post was made on 7/19/21, so over two years ago. However, it went viral a couple of weeks after the post was made, and is still being used by teachers and parents today! Jeanne says she saw this in a teacher’s group and couldn’t wait to share it! She edited the post on 7/27/19 and said she didn’t expect the post to go viral. She just wanted to share a nice hack for a few hundred teachers! Jeanne made another edit on 5/31/20 that said the markers lasted throughout the entire school year, but the year was cut short due to the pandemic. She said there were “no missing markers, no markers placed in wrong caps, and no destroyed tape.” She also mentioned that she teaches high school, so the markers were in better shape than if she taught elementary students. However, the hack is super useful for all age groups, Lastly, she gave a final tip in which she said to keep the markers turned upside down, so the ink is always at the bottom, and your markers stay vibrant all year long!

Likes, Comments, and Shares

Luckily, Jeanne had some amazing feedback and people were absolutely loving this marker hack! Some of the comments read, “Duck tape fixes everything! Wonderful idea!,” “OMG, this is amazing! I get so mad when kids lose my lids or I find them on the floor.,” and “Thanks for the idea and thanks for all you do in teaching our youth today. It is a more difficult task in this day and age.” The post also had 25k likes, 12k comments, and a whopping 43k shares! I think it’s safe to say that people were astounded and had to share this hack with their friends.

Who would benefit from this marker set hack?

ANYONE will benefit from this hack! You don’t have to have kids or be a teacher to use this hack to your advantage. If you’re a fan of organization, you will definitely find this hack useful. All you need is a pack of markers and some duct tape, and you’re set! Plus, it’s a super cheap way of staying organized, which I’m sure you all can appreciate!

I hope you guys found this hack useful, and will hopefully try it out for yourself!

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Agnes Hsu