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Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

  Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

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Use two simple kitchen ingredients to make your own non-toxic DIY chalk paint in vibrant colors. Perfect for outdoor art sessions with kids! 

Summer is the perfect season to get outdoors and creative with kids and one of our favorite projects to make is homemade chalk paint! There are a few ways to make DIY chalk but one easy way is by combining just two easy kitchen ingredients for a fast and easy art activity! Read more below on how you can make your own vibrant chalk paint using just cornstarch, water, and some food coloring!

Plus, Cornstarch is great because it’s non-toxic, taste-safe for little ones, and washes away easily with a hose or in the rain. 

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

2 Ingredient Chalk Paint Recipe – Materials

  • Cornstarch: 
  • Water: 
  • Gel food coloring (we like gel because it makes more vibrant colors)

Why do we call it 2 ingredients if it’s really 3? Well, it’s because we assume most people have water at home so are not counting it technically as an ingredient! 

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

How to make DIY chalk paint 

1. Mix the Cornstarch and Water: Combine equal parts cornstarch and water. We used a muffin tin to make it easy to mix colors. Start with 2 TBSP water and 2 TBSP cornstarch.  Stir the mixture until the cornstarch dissolves and you have a smooth consistency. If the mixture is too thick, add a little more water; if it’s too runny, add more cornstarch.

2. Add Color: Add a few drops of gel food coloring to each container and stir well. Keep adding coloring until you achieve the color intensity you want. This is a great time for kids to experiment with mixing colors and learning about color theory!

3. Paint and Play! Once your chalk paint is ready, grab some brushes and head outside. Sidewalks, driveways, and patio tiles make great canvases for your vibrant paint. Kids can draw pictures, write messages, or even make a colorful hopscotch grid.

4. Cleanup One of the best parts about using cornstarch and water-based chalk paint is the cleanup—it’s really easy! Rain will wash away the designs naturally, or you can spray them down with a hose.


Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

Tips on Chalk Painting 

  • Wear Old Clothes: Even though the paint is washable, it’s always best to wear old clothes or aprons while painting.
  • Use Sponge Brushes: For younger kids, sponge brushes are easier to handle and can cover large areas quickly.
  • Experiment with Tools: Besides brushes, consider using sponges, stamps, or even old toothbrushes for different painting effects.
  • Make it Educational: Integrate some learning by having kids practice letters, numbers, or simple math problems with their paint.

Does the chalk stain?

Chalk paint made with cornstarch, water, and gel food coloring generally does not stain clothes or hands permanently. However, gel food coloring can be more concentrated and vibrant than other types of coloring, which might lead to temporary stains on skin or clothing. These stains usually wash out with regular laundry detergent and water.

Final Thoughts

Making your own chalk paint is a fun and affordable way to enjoy spending outdoor time with your kids. This activity helps them build motor skills and creativity, and it also lets them make lovely art outside. So this summer, let your child’s creativity flow with this easy DIY chalk paint. Happy painting! 

Yield: Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint

Two Ingredients DIY Chalk Paint
Use two simple kitchen ingredients to make your own non-toxic DIY chalk paint in vibrant colors. Perfect for outdoor art sessions with kids! 


  • Cornstarch: 
  • Water: 
  • Gel food coloring (we like gel because it makes more vibrant colors)


1. Mix the Cornstarch and Water: Combine equal parts cornstarch and water. We used a muffin tin to make it easy to mix colors. Start with 2 TBSP water and 2 TBSP cornstarch.  Stir the mixture until the cornstarch dissolves and you have a smooth consistency. If the mixture is too thick, add a little more water; if it's too runny, add more cornstarch.

2. Add Color: Add a few drops of gel food coloring to each container and stir well. Keep adding coloring until you achieve the color intensity you want. This is a great time for kids to experiment with mixing colors and learning about color theory!

3. Paint and Play! Once your chalk paint is ready, grab some brushes and head outside. Sidewalks, driveways, and patio tiles make great canvases for your vibrant paint. Kids can draw pictures, write messages, or even make a colorful hopscotch grid.

4. Cleanup One of the best parts about using cornstarch and water-based chalk paint is the cleanup—it's really easy! Rain will wash away the designs naturally, or you can spray them down with a hose.

hello wonderful craft kits

Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.

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