Everything is better BIG right? Well we certainly think so, especially if it packs flat for easy storage!
This is one of those wonderful projects where crafty by nature or not, you really just cant go wrong. Pretty much anything you make following these simple instruction for creating cardboard sculptures is going to get some pretty big WOW’s from friends and family.
It is also a wonderful activity for open-ended creativity and storytelling. My 4 year old created a ‘sailbrummer’ and described the amazing functions of his invention as he built it. As each piece was added, so was another incredible feature of the machine. You might want to have a pen and paper handy to write down the details of the patent!
Giant Recycled Sculpture – Materials:
Cardboard box.
1. Open out your cardboard box and lay it flat on the ground or prepared painting surface.
2. Choose 3 or 4 paint colors and paint each panel with a contrasting pattern. We used spray and squeeze bottles for some really easy and wonderful effects.
3. When dry, turn over and paint the other side.
4. Using some sharp scissors cut out a bunch of abstract shapes. You can draw these on before hand or just cut them freehand like we did. It’s nice to have a mix of very big shapes and some smaller shapes. Jelly beans, circles, and triangles work well. Aim to use all of the cardboard; the
offcuts are great for smaller decorative shapes.
5. Next, cut one to four slits in each of the shapes. The number of slits depends on the size of the shape. Three or four in larger shapes and just one or two in the smaller pieces. You are aiming to cut out a long thin rectangle, ever so slightly narrower than the width of the cardboard you are using. Make sure to cut the slits nice and deep in order for the pieces to lock together tightly and remain stable.
6. Get building!
What are your favorite cardboard projects? Check out more recycled crafts and tons more creative projects for kids!
Susie Rugg, the creative mind behind the crazy fun Handy with Scissors is a Sydney based mum and maker with a passion for turning ‘junk’ into art. She has a degree in Object Art from the University of Sydney and when not at home trying to get her reluctant 3 year old excited about craft, she hangs out at The Museum of Contemporary Art Australia where she is the Children and Families Coordinator. Follow Susie on her creative adventures on Instagram and her blog.
Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.