Does your little ones love playing nurse or doctor? We’ve got them covered with this adorable pretend play emergency kit. The best part is it’s made from just common recycled items and craft supplies you probably have handy around at home!
DIY Doctor’s Emergency Kit – Material.
– Empty yogurt tube box
– Cheese box (I used the Laughing Cow one)
– Headband
– White crepe paper
– Paint (red and white) & paintbrush
– Glue gun.
– Red construction paper
– Emergency goodies like old pill bottles
For the rectangle emergency box: glue the yogurt tube box together and then paint it in white. On one side cut a rectangle starting at the center to make an opening. Paint a cross on top of that opening in red. Now glue some red construction paper inside the box and fill it with emergency goodies.
For the bandage box: Paint the cheese box white and allow to dry. Paint a red cross on top of the box. For the bandages, cut some rectangles from red paper, then round the edges. Finally, paint a rectangle to create bandages.
For the Stethoscope: Roll some crepe paper all around your headband. If necessary add some glue here and there to help the paper stay put. Cut 2 circles out of your construction paper and paint a white cross. Set aside. Now take a 8″-9″ long string of crepe paper and glue one end to the headband. On the other end glue the 2 circles on top of the crepe paper.
Now time to play! I filled some old prescription bottle with googly-eyes, paint, and some ice cream spoon, etc. Add as much as you want to inspire kids to play doctor or nurse!
What are your favorite pretend play activities for kids? Check out tons more creative projects here!
Marie-Laure, is an Architect first, a mom of two, but also a Do It Yourself kind of girl. She LOVES CRAFTING. Her blog La Maison de Loulou is a piece of her with simple and fun crafts, ideas, projects, and activities to do with your kids at anytime. Her children Louise and Roman are her inspiration and all the DIY’s are made for them to have fun. Toys, games, costumes..she loves exploring the kids world with her own twist.
Agnes Hsu is a mom of three and has been inspiring parents and kids to get creative with easy activities and family friendly recipes for over 10 years. She shares her love for creative play and kids food to her 2MM+ followers online. Agnes' commitment to playful learning and kindness has not only raised funds for charity but also earned features in prestigious nationwide publications.